Acidity is the world wide problem causing uneasiness and trouble in the life of people. It relates to the excess secretions of acid and enzymes by glands present in our stomach or more precisely gastric glands. A acid known as hydrochloric acid (HCl) secreted by wall of the stomach to facilitate digestion of food specially proteins and carbohydrates. This secretion of hydrochloric acid helps in initiating the secretion of certain necessary enzymes that helps in digestion of food. These enzymes like pepsin etc helps in breaking down of the complex food material in to simple compounds that are easily assimilated in body to provide energy. Hence the secretion of all these enzymes and acid is very essential but when these secretion get secreted beyond the normal limits it create lots of trouble to our body. These over secretions erodes the mucous membrane that lines the internal part of the stomach and thus internal organs get burned by the corrosive action of the acid the internal organs and the condition of acidity occurs.


* Diets which are very refined and contain less quantity of fibers are culprit in causing acidity.

* Stress plays as another main factor in causing acidity.
Consumption of excess of alcohol also effects the stomach linings that causes acidity

* Smoking also causes in damaging of stomach lining that leads to acidity.

* Consumption of spicy food, over eating and eating hurriedly causes acidity.

Home Remedies

*Clove and cardamom (ilyachi) when sucked gives relief from acidity.

*In take cold milk helps in relieving from burning caused by acid.

*Intake of purely processed mint (pudina) is best remedy to relieve acidity.

*Banana (kela), water melon (tarbooz) and cucumber (kheera) also reduces heart burn.

*Consumption of fresh apple cider vinegar with honey in a glass of water before meals reduces the chance of acidity.

*Cumin seed boiled in water and the it is consumed with meals.

*Unripe food and fruits should completely be avoided as it contain high amount of pectin.

*preparing a herbal tea that contains spearmint and licorice is quite beneficial

*Drinking of water in early morning stored in lead container overnight has been beneficial in reducing acidity.

*Maintaining healthy lifestyle i.e. early to bed and early to rise reduces risk of secreting excessive acid in stomach.

*Usage of medicines like asprin, diclofenac sodium and antibiotics should be avoided.

*Consuming 10grams of jaggery or gud or mishri (refined sugar) helps in curbing the acid reflux.

*In take of cabbabe and luffa juice helps in reducing acidity

*Onions and radish also promotes the secretion of hydrochloric acid hence they should be avoided.

*Avoid drinking water exactly before and after meals.

*It is highly advisable to finish dinner at least about 2-3 hours before heading to sleep.

*coconut water is an excellent remedy to prevent acidity

*In take of curd sweetened by sugar or jaggery is very effective in acidity.

*As the acid is neutralized by base hence intake of calcium bi carbonate commonly known as sweet soda is a world famous remedy in treating acidity.

*White vinegar, another base (alakali) has also proven its worth inacidity.

*Ginger is also good remedy for heart burns.