Acne is a trouble some condition that has more of a psychological effect than a health issue. It is more often affected to teenagers and young adults as compared to older people.
The cause of acne has also been credited to a variety of reasons ranging from dietary, genetic to even environmental factors. Whatever may be the cause of acne, but the truth remains that when acne is not well managed or treated it becomes a grave problem that has a serious consequences. There are many acne treatment products available nowadays but a closer look at what we have available to us in our immediate surroundings will reveal unusual but effective acne cures.
Below are ten extremely effective acne home remedies that will change your life:
1. Garlic or lasuna – It is also known as Allium sativum in biological terms. It is considered to be one of the best home remedies for acne. Here there are two ways from which you can use either or both. The first method is to crush 2or more cloves of garlic and apply it to the affected areas two times a day. The second option is to chew and swallow one or more clove of garlic every day. The problem is that garlic is a strong smelling agent and you have to cope with it.
2. Egg White - Crack some eggs and remove the yolks i.e. the yellow of the egg and leaving only the egg whites. Beat these egg whites for some time and apply this to your face or the affected part. Wait for about 15 minutes and wash off the area applied. The purpose of applying the egg whites is to eradicate the excess oil from the skin that promotes early healing of skin and acne.
3. Toothpaste – It was previously an amateur practice but now it has scientifically proven that toothpaste actually help in curing the acne. Apply it unswervingly to your acne spot before retiring to bed. This is believed to help manage the swelling overnight. Just make sure that it is not the gel tooth paste but the paste.
4. Baking Soda – Baking soda is commonly available in all kitchens. Apart from its chief function in baking it is also considered as a good as a facial scrub. The purpose of a facial scrub is to exfoliate the skin, eradicating dead skin that can ultimately clog pores and lead to acne spots. Add clean water to a small amount of baking soda and make a paste out of it that can be applied. Gently massage the paste on to your skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse the baking soda off with clean water. Pat your face dry with a clean towel that is not used before. Don’t allow the baking soda to stay on your face longer than fifteen minutes as it may case rashes.
5. Salt and Water - Prepare a salt solution by adding salt into warm water. Use the resulting solution to wash your face two times a day i.e. morning and evening. This will remove the excess oil from your face making it safe from acne occurrence.
6. Vinegar – It is a popular home remedy for acne. Most of the people who use vinegar to treat acne use the apple cider but plian vinegar (commonly found) can also be put to use. In spite of which type you use, vinegar can be extremely helpful when it comes to clearing up acne problem. It has the capability to kill the acne causing bacteria, balance your skin's pH level and absorb extra oil that gets accumulated on your skin. Starting with clean, dry skin, apply diluted vinegar (eight parts water to one part vinegar) straight to your skin with a cotton ball, and leave it on.
7. Cucumber – Cucumber or khera helps in normal digestion of food in the body. As the digestive system is intimately related with the health of the skin, it should help reduce acne breakouts.
8. Lime Lemon or Orange - Choose any of these members of the citrus family. Lime and lemon are very rich in citric acid that is a very good exfoliator. You can also apply fresh lemon juice varied with rose water in your face; leave it there for 15 minutes. A continuous application of this for fifteen days will give you astonishing results. Ground the orange peel with water to make a thick paste that can be applied on the acne spot to make you acne free. Lime combined with rose water is also an optional acne home remedy. Just apply it on your face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.
9. Oatmeal - Oatmeal can absorb un-wanted oil and draw out impurities that reside deep in the skin. Cook some plain oat meal like you would for consumption. Let it cool off, and rub it over your clean skin. Let it stay for a while, like you would a mask, and then rinse off. If you do this on a usual basis, you should notice results soon.
10. Aloe Vera – Aloe vera helps prevent acne scars it also heals acne spots. As you may know Aloe Vera herb is used in a wide variety of home remedies.
Acidity is the world wide problem causing uneasiness and trouble in the life of people. It relates to the excess secretions of acid and enzymes by glands present in our stomach or more precisely gastric glands. A acid known as hydrochloric acid (HCl) secreted by wall of the stomach to facilitate digestion of food specially proteins and carbohydrates. This secretion of hydrochloric acid helps in initiating the secretion of certain necessary enzymes that helps in digestion of food. These enzymes like pepsin etc helps in breaking down of the complex food material in to simple compounds that are easily assimilated in body to provide energy. Hence the secretion of all these enzymes and acid is very essential but when these secretion get secreted beyond the normal limits it create lots of trouble to our body. These over secretions erodes the mucous membrane that lines the internal part of the stomach and thus internal organs get burned by the corrosive action of the acid the internal organs and the condition of acidity occurs.
* Diets which are very refined and contain less quantity of fibers are culprit in causing acidity.
* Stress plays as another main factor in causing acidity.
Consumption of excess of alcohol also effects the stomach linings that causes acidity
* Smoking also causes in damaging of stomach lining that leads to acidity.
* Consumption of spicy food, over eating and eating hurriedly causes acidity.
Home Remedies
*Clove and cardamom (ilyachi) when sucked gives relief from acidity.
*In take cold milk helps in relieving from burning caused by acid.
*Intake of purely processed mint (pudina) is best remedy to relieve acidity.
*Banana (kela), water melon (tarbooz) and cucumber (kheera) also reduces heart burn.
*Consumption of fresh apple cider vinegar with honey in a glass of water before meals reduces the chance of acidity.
*Cumin seed boiled in water and the it is consumed with meals.
*Unripe food and fruits should completely be avoided as it contain high amount of pectin.
*preparing a herbal tea that contains spearmint and licorice is quite beneficial
*Drinking of water in early morning stored in lead container overnight has been beneficial in reducing acidity.
*Maintaining healthy lifestyle i.e. early to bed and early to rise reduces risk of secreting excessive acid in stomach.
*Usage of medicines like asprin, diclofenac sodium and antibiotics should be avoided.
*Consuming 10grams of jaggery or gud or mishri (refined sugar) helps in curbing the acid reflux.
*In take of cabbabe and luffa juice helps in reducing acidity
*Onions and radish also promotes the secretion of hydrochloric acid hence they should be avoided.
*Avoid drinking water exactly before and after meals.
*It is highly advisable to finish dinner at least about 2-3 hours before heading to sleep.
*coconut water is an excellent remedy to prevent acidity
*In take of curd sweetened by sugar or jaggery is very effective in acidity.
*As the acid is neutralized by base hence intake of calcium bi carbonate commonly known as sweet soda is a world famous remedy in treating acidity.
*White vinegar, another base (alakali) has also proven its worth inacidity.
*Ginger is also good remedy for heart burns.
Health and Physical Fitness
Health and physical fitness tips including information on men's and women's health and wellness, and all five components of physical fitness: strength training, weight management, cardiovascular exercise, nutrition, and flexibility training which are discussed in the Build Muscles: The Place to Start section of the site.
Don’t Smoke - One of the main reasons why people decide not to give up smoking, and sadly, the reason why some people take it up is the effect smoking supposedly has on weight gain or loss. It is true that smoking has been associated with an increase in metabolism it is a drug!! However it is a dangerous, addictive drug and surely the tiny effect it has on your metabolism is outweighed by the huge risk of dying from lung cancer.
Drink More Water - You can live three weeks without food, However you can only live for three days without fluid, just think 3 days and its all over, one could suggest that water is fairly important! Your body is anywhere between 60 and 70 percent fluid. The fluid in your body is responsible for helping to keep every system of your body in good working order, including all of your metabolic processes. De-hydrate and everything slows down. The fluid in your body will also ensure that you can move well and be active. If you start to dehydrate, your body’s ability to do basic activities will slow down and your ability to exercise effectively or even enjoy exercise will be reduced. You will feel tired, lethargic and will probably get a headache.
Eat A Variety Of Foods - For protection from the majority of illnesses such as heart disease and cancer you need a variety of foods that deliver that mix of nutrients and minerals. Aim to eat different colored fruits and vegetables. Try to eat a different food each month. Eat an apple a day as the apple pectin cleanses the body’s digestive system by removing toxins and therefore preventing degenerative health problems such as cancer.
Relax For 20 Minutes a Day - Relaxing for at least 20 minutes a day will go a long way to reduce blood pressure and your reactions to stress. Sit or lie somewhere comfortable, Breathe slowly in and out of the nostrils breathing deeply into your abdomen. Say HAM as you inhale and SA as you exhale. These suggestions are charged with positive energy and will help you control your emotions. Try once a day for fantastic results.
Floss Every Day - Flossing your teeth every day is the best way to prevent gum disease and protect your heart. Gum disease, which is left untreated, can lead to inflammatory reactions in the body that can trigger heart disease and stroke.
Drink More Tea - Try drinking more tea instead of coffee to help protect your body from damaging effects of free radicals. Tea is a rich source of antioxidants that play a big role in protecting against some cancers and cardiovascular disease.
Get Active - Aerobic activity not only burns calories but also increases your metabolism and can keep it elevated for several hours after a workout. You don’t need to spend hours each day on the treadmill or bike to reap the benefits. Exercising aerobically for as little as 20 minutes, three to five days a week will make a big difference. Extra movement throughout the day is also essential, take the stairs instead of the lift, lose the remote and move at every opportunity you can.
Get More Sleep - Lack of sleep changes your hormone levels and capacity to metabolize carbohydrates so less sleep = slower metabolism. Studies have revealed that deep sleep causes cell repair and cell growth, which will speed up the metabolism and burn calories. So aim to get at least eight hours sleep a night.
Eat More Protein - Protein stimulates the major brain chemical dopamine which keeps us alert, try chicken or tuna salads for lunch. Go for complex carbohydrates rather than white flour and sugar, as they will provide a sustained energy source as opposed to a quick hit. Another reason to leave simple carbohydrate out of the diet is that they have a negative effect on your skin and how it ages. The more sugar that is in the body the more you force a chemical reaction causing sugars to attach to proteins and this is very detrimental to your skin.
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